วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2551

What is art ?

I do not agree with you in some thinking. I think it is not important what the picture is but I think the importance is some things what the people see and think about it.

In fact, I do not know many things about art because
I cannot paint the beautiful picture or make something
to be artistic and modern. I do not know what people think
when they see a picture. When I see picture of famous artist,
I always confuse because I do not know the point or
meaning of picture that the artist want to show.
Although I do not know many things about art but
I have a little different view about it.

I think everything in this world can be artistic.

The picture that the famous artist painted can be artistic and
the picture that elephant painted can be artistic too.
The picture will be beautiful or not depend on people’s thinking.

Even if the artist try to make a good picture with full ability but
it is still be bad if I think it is not beautiful.

Some pictures that other people think it is bad,
maybe it will be a good picture for me.

So the art cannot be decided.
