วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2551

What is art ?

I do not agree with you in some thinking. I think it is not important what the picture is but I think the importance is some things what the people see and think about it.

In fact, I do not know many things about art because
I cannot paint the beautiful picture or make something
to be artistic and modern. I do not know what people think
when they see a picture. When I see picture of famous artist,
I always confuse because I do not know the point or
meaning of picture that the artist want to show.
Although I do not know many things about art but
I have a little different view about it.

I think everything in this world can be artistic.

The picture that the famous artist painted can be artistic and
the picture that elephant painted can be artistic too.
The picture will be beautiful or not depend on people’s thinking.

Even if the artist try to make a good picture with full ability but
it is still be bad if I think it is not beautiful.

Some pictures that other people think it is bad,
maybe it will be a good picture for me.

So the art cannot be decided.

วันจันทร์ที่ 28 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2551

Deep in my heart

Deep in my heart : Britney Spear

Walking through time looking for an answer
How can it be this way
What have I done
I just can't help but wonder
How everything could change.

'Cause you have turned my world around
Since you came along, no
After this love was found it seems like we can't go wrong.

Deep in my heart
I know there's only you
And right from the start I always knew
I never let go 'Cause i love you so
Ohhoohh I want you for the rest of my life.

Some people search what seems to be a lifetime
To find a love like this
And here we are
With everything we wished for
I never felt such bliss.


There comes a chance in everyones life
And I believe it won't happen twice
Now since I've felt the glory of love
I want to spend forever
(And ever with you).

Deep in my heart
Deep in my heart
I want you for the rest of my life
I want you for the rest of my life.


I have one question that I wonder for a long time. I cannot find the answer even if I try to do it many times. I know I cannot change everything I done but I still wonder how I can change it.

And I know my life changed because of you. Since you came in my life you have influence to me and you change my whole world. That influence made me know that I love you. I think this is the right way for me.

When I started to love you, I know after this there are only you in my heart .I do not want to go to anywhere because now I am with you and I want to be with you forever because I love you.

Some people find some love like our love to be a lifetime. And now we have that love and we get everything which we want. I cannot find the word to explain how much I am happy.

In everyone life, the love will comes but I believe the change of love happen once in each life, no more two or third chance. Now I have that chance. I have love, I feel very happy and proud of love and I want to spend my life like this forever.[ live with you forever ]

And deep in my heart, I want to use my life with you forever.

วันศุกร์ที่ 16 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

parents thinking

My parents think about life that life is free.

They can do everything that they want if

those things do not hurt other people.

They always think about morals before they do something.

They think the religion is important with life for example

they said that now the society is bad because many people

do not believe in religion and they think some parts

hat make society bad is the politics.About the religion,

they said that many people do not believe in religion

because of the monks. They think some monks do bad

things that are not proper for religion so many people

do not believe it. I think same as my parents because

I think in bad society religion can help it to be better.

And they said that the politics make society bad too

because now the politics is not steady, the economy

is bad so there are many people are unemployed.

They said that when people do not have money they

can do everything to find it even if it is bad.

I agree with my parents thinking because now in society,

there are many bad people for example I see the news

about the thief steal money or other things every days.

And I think if the politics are better, the economy is better,

the society will better too.They think society is very dangerous.

They said that now they cannot trust other people in society

because other people can harm us for money all the time.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

My parents thinking

My parents think about life that life is free.
They can do everything that they want if
those things do not hurt other people.
They always think about morals before they
do something. They think the religion is important
with life for example they said that now the society
is bad because many people do not believe in religion
and they think some parts that make society bad is the politics.
About the religion, they said that many people
do not believe in religion because of the monks.
They think some monks do bad things that are not proper
for religion so many people do not believe it.
I think same as my parents because I think in
bad society religion can help it to be better.
And they said that the politics make society bad too
because now the politics is not steady, the economy
is bad so there are many people are unemployed.
They said that when people do not have money they
can do everything to find it even if it is bad. I agree
with my parents thinking because now in society,
there are many bad people for example I see the
news about the thief steal money or other things every days.
And I think if the politics are better, the economy is better,
the society will better too.
They think society is very dangerous.
They said that now they cannot trust other people
in society because other people can harm us for money all the time.

วันจันทร์ที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

When I feel nervous ?

In my life I must take an exam many times but
I always feel nervous too. When I feel nervous,
I feel like I have a knot in my stomach,
my heart beat will be quicker and my body temperature
will get higher. I must lose the time to take an exam
but fifteen minute later I will come back to normal.
Sometimes when I feel nervous, it will give me a problem
because when we feel nervous, my brain will order me to do
wrong things. For example one day I had the math exam,
my teacher ordered me to show the answer and solution
in the piece of paper, he gave me five minutes to do it.
It made me nervous so when the time was over, I
gave the answer to him and he gave me zero marks.
I was so confused. I could do all of it and I was sure about those answer
but why did he give me zero marks. Next day I asked my teacher
and he told me that “your answer was true but you did not
give me how you solved it”. My teacher made me feel shocked,
I did not think about it before so I was so sad. This mistake
teaches me that everybody can feel nervous but if we feel
nervous, we ought to think about everything more careful.ly

วันจันทร์ที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550


I think culture is the style of do something.
I think we ought to do the same as other cultures because culture is
something that when we do it, some culture will be good for us.
Culture is very important in the past, but now I think
most of all we do not think about culture when we do they didn't
in the past either something. For example, greeting is acting
that every body around the world does but now many people
do not greet with their culture as in the past,
because they think greeting is not important. I do not agree with
many people because when I was 10 years old I learnt that
greeting makes many people to be one group and then the
country will not have any problems.

I think that idea is true
because now we can see many problems around the world.
I think many problems come from people who do not have
the same idea and then we fight.

In the opposite way, sometimes culture is not good.

For example in some other countries, they divide the class of people.
White people are in high class but black people are in low class.
I think that idea is not good because it is injustice to black people.
Some culture is good but some culture is bad.

So when we want to do something that follows culture we ought to
think very carefully. I think culture is not important to somebody
because they can control themselves and they know that
what is a good or a bad thing.

I think culture is not an important thing but it is more important

what we think and what we do.

วันอังคารที่ 9 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550

What society expect of me?

What society expect of me?
Thai people have a lot of expectations for me.
Now, in society they want people to learn in high degree,
they want people who are clever and have new ideas
to work in society, but I do not agree with that idea.
A high degree makes many people serious and
they will be selfish people because they want to be number one.
Why do they want to be number one?
If you are number one
in your class, you will have more opportunities than
other people will and I do not like it
because society makes me follow in their way.
I used to think I would learn just food science in
bachelor's degree but I cannot do it.Because society
wants me to learn in high degree and if I do not learn
in high degree, they will not believe in my ability because
I do not have anything to show them about my ability.
Therefore, I should have good GPA and learn in famous
university ,but it is very difficult for me because I must
learn to race with other students in other schools ,
I think high degree learning does not mean you have
high ability. So people ought to believe in my ability not my level.
Even if I do not like that thinking , I must run on
the racing road and carry on. I do not worry about
what my parents want because they always tell me
that their happiness is my happiness and they do not
want to force me to race with other people because
they think same as me that high degree or score is
important less than how to be a good person.